How you are invested matters.

  1. Model Selection

  2. Model Tilts

  3. Investment Selection


Model Selection

Our investment recommendations start with an understanding of your personal investing aggressiveness level - both your ability to be aggressive and your willingness to do so. This leads to the selection of the appropriate model allocations for your investment accounts with your goals in mind.


Model Target Allocations


Model Tilts

These models help clients remain fully invested as it is extremely difficult to correctly “time” the stock market tops and bottoms. However, our model aggressiveness tilts allow us to take advantage of market volatility with dynamic tactical allocation tweaks around the static model allocation targets.


Model Aggressiveness Tilts (% equity by model)

The above graph shows our model portfolio's % allocated to equities (vertical axis) at various aggressiveness tilts (horizontal axis) with tilt 5 representing the target allocation.


Investment Selection

These portfolios are invested in a combination of low-cost exchange-traded-funds (ETFs) and a portfolio of individual companies that we expect to outperform the market over the long-term that we call Unconstrained Equity.


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