I’m 30ish - Investing 101


30ish is a concept, not an age.

The content in this webinar series is primarily designed for anyone who is finishing up their education to contemplating retirement.



Recommended Podcasts

Twice a week - Short clips answering one reader question an episode.

Twice a week - Short clips answering one reader question an episode.

Weekly - Saving, spending, planning - Q&A Style on life's biggest financial issues and what you really need to know to make smart money moves.

Weekly - Saving, spending, planning - Q&A Style on life's biggest financial issues and what you really need to know to make smart money moves.

Weekly - Top business news and financial headlines, while breaking down the stock market implications for investors - Interviews with authors, industry experts, and stock ideas.

Weekly - Top business news and financial headlines, while breaking down the stock market implications for investors - Interviews with authors, industry experts, and stock ideas.

Recommended Newsletter

Get one of Carl’s sketches in your inbox each week.Our goal is to give you a little shot of distilled wisdom that will only take you a few minutes to read, but if we do it right, it will leave you thinking all week. Just know that we work hard to send you less.

Get one of Carl’s sketches in
your inbox each week.

Our goal is to give you a little shot of distilled wisdom that will only take you a few minutes to read, but if we do it right, it will leave you thinking all week. Just know that we work hard to send you less.


I’m 30ish - Meme Stocks


Review: First Quarter of 2021